I'm using my whole body energy to control my emotion!
I'm sooooo terrible, why?
I used up my energy to control my thinking over this friendship thing and now i got another problem arises because of my carelessness. Please don't fail me. I shouldn't use short form anymore, imagine that i used it in my report and submitted? so silly and funny when i found out.
Will i survive through this year? I have already got many wounds created since i came here, please dun cut indirectly me anymore, i can't take it...
Learning process is very tough. Learn to be alone, to be independent, to apply theory (forogotten during 8 weeks of holiday) in clinical settings, to speak, to act confidently, to overcome my exam fear, presentation fears, to be able to handle truth humanity, to cook, to survive...
I'm exhausted... Can i see a light to drive me to the right direction?
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