Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sushi 2nd time

本想做hand rolls 和 California rolls ,但是没有 plastic foil 了,所以california rolls 做不成。

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Twilight Saga

Yes! I have finally finished all these four books by Stephenie Meyer. I MUST say that it is a fascinating story. Storyline goes through unexpectedly smooth and easy understanding.

Among the 4 books, i like breaking dawn most. From marriage to conceive then suffered during gestation period. After that, the born of a new interesting child-- Renesmee. With her extraordinary background, Volturi suspected she might be immortal child. Then come with the preparation for fight with Volturi.

Coming next is another stephenie meyer's book-- the Host. Hope it is as interesting as the twilight saga.

IMU--- sigh...

真的很惨!为什么你那么失敗? 你是不是应该反省一下呢?



求人家去都没人理。 不求了。要去就去,不去就吧。

都不知道163人里有没有20-30人去。可怜到。。。 嘿嘿。。。

Friday, July 24, 2009

freaki' sui

What happen to me?

people banged my car and my own relative said it was my fault?! wat the hell is wrong with her?
I will never admit it was my fault. As I really saw i passed through it successfully and i understand exactly how to differentiate the feelings between I crash people car and people banged me. Now i wish i banged her car to avoid the collision. Damn van, how i wish i did not have the 2 kids in my car.

Now i see through ur heart. No wonder you never show us account books.

Today is triple bad!

I dare not park horizontal car park, i tried many times, and still i dare not reverse too much. sHoOt!. Then, i only drive <80 today.

When i was jogging, i strain my foot. ShoOt again.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sushi... for the first time...

Most of the ingredients and utensils were from old convenient shops. Only the seaweed, rolling mat and rice are specifically for sushi making

Friday, July 10, 2009

Puzzle cont.

Wua ha ha! first and most probably last jigsaw puzzle is done! Finally... (counting on how many hours...) almost 24 hours i spent on this 1000 pieces puzzle.

Cool experience.

The puzzle looks defected so i did not take any closed-up photos. The reason is because i'm not sure whether i should paste it piece by piece or a bunch at a time. Then, i decided to stick a bunch at a time, using transparent tape to hold the puzzle together and glued them on a piece of newspaper before i paste it on the board.
Now, what should i do to you? Where can i put this big puzzle? haha... no idea... cham...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009






不会说话?我发现我的communication skills 很很很差。





*P/S: Not as seems to be that sad, just trying to write down how i feel now.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Beijing (4)




Friday, July 3, 2009



我一直很想玩, 但都没时间和空间. 现在有5个月的时间, 还不好好的玩. 哈哈哈...

这幅puzzle还算便宜啦, 28零吉包括架子.

排完后在upload photo吧!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Beijing (3)

说到天气嘛,还是一样。每天都很hazy和晒,搞到我最后一天都没有心情去照相。“酱油”说:beijing 的天气经过奥运后改善很多,吐痰的人也少很多,脚车也少了. 但是经过我4天的旅游后, 天气比起2 年前真的有那么一小点的改善,但还是有改良的空间.
这是forbidden city. 有多hazy呢?

吐痰的人虽然少了, 还是给我看到3-5个, 很反感. 脚车少了车子多了, 驾车技术更是 "出乎意料"的 "安全".

医生是什么? 救人还是挣钱? 我不明白读了那么多,为什么到头来会这样?

Beijing (2) 食物


Beijing (1)


抵达天津但是飞机不能下机因为traffic congestion 在天津滨海机场。延迟了半小时,好不容易能下了,但不能下机。中国的health officers用了一小时在机上查swine flu.