Sunday, December 27, 2009

BAD TEMPER!!! (18days to go)...

I'm super duper annoyed when i was concentrating on my stuffs and u guys interrupted.

*this blog is going to be super rude, i'm goin to use a lot of vulgar languages...

Why are people aren't listening after i had repeated myself thousand times ?? damn it! When i said i am not going to do it for many times, i MEAN it! Remember in ur stupid bloody mind or u'll have to pay for ur car repair! F*** up!!!

My words aren't words issit? Fuck u! u thought i joking ah! mother hell

I am soooooooo angry now... I hate hot temper; when it goes beyond threshold, it doesn't go return to baseline until next day... and then i'll hav to break a lot of pens.... jesus christ, my Rfist is soo angry now!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

24days to go...

I think i'm scared to return to medical world now.

I dun like my current world either. No income, No target, live like a useless leech to my parents. I have had a long holiday and it's time to move on.

Ok, I've plans (happy-dreaming plans) for next year.
-dunno how it would turns up to, but i do plan something.
-I want to save a lot of money; in the meantime, awaiting for the arrival of new canon >15.1mp, medium range DSLR or Nikon. Then, get 2 lenses- one for up to 270mm another for macro photo shooting.
-climb most of the mountains or hills in WA.
- not many actually... sad... think more... haha..

Thursday, December 3, 2009


what does it mean to be 21st? Some people seems to take it very seriously but some do not. hmm ... actually myself do really envy those parents that look at it seriously... but sadly not mine.

I do not blame them, but be frankly slight disappointed in my blood is inevitable. As it's 21st. "compare" is a bad word! i hate people "compare" and so does myself. But i can't help my mind to "compare". it's really bad! but what to do, i'm not "san hou" in gong xin ji or guan jin pu sa...
Compare to my siblings and frens in fb... well, they do make me emo a while... but well, i'm doing everything i can to fight back the evil forces and not to compare.

Actually, i'm very lucky, to compare again with others... hahaa... compare is sooooo terribly bad thing. hahaha...i got 7 super cool frens from srban "chi chi chi, phew phew phew" down to celebrate in advance with me. I got super cool monkeys on that day!!!

Then, i got another super duper cool best fren in melaka whom i supposed she ran down from kl, ran away from work just to celebrate with me yesterday. i'm not sure wat she doin here in weekdays! She kept those secret from me, i dun think i suppose to find out, there must be reason behind for this old lady to keep it out from me. Although, we din do anything that sound super awesome or crazy yesterday. but be out there with my best fren, is actually a very HAPPY THING itself. so, it doesn't matter whether what we doing.

After sending that lao master back home, i ran to my secondary sch, waited for sunset to come. Bad weather, it rains right after sunset. Then, during the sunset, they cancelled dinner. Maybe they really thought that their children all have a lots of friends? Cause it's really hard for me to call my fren out for dinner last min. But LUCKILY again, i went to grab woon kheng from her mother, haha... pity mother.. sorry auntie.. she accompanied me for 1 hr as my gastric pain just shoot to my stomach in time. hahaa...

Thank you everyone!

Thank you for the small baskin robin cake. it's tasty...

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Screeching sounds of car tyres for a complete stop.....

Looked out of window, one small van was lying on the floor sideway, one hyundai with damaged bumper and toyota stopped in the middle of the road...

terrible accident has just happened outside my hse AGAIN...

Be careful when u r driving, it's terrible and hurtful to see accident happens

Be rude to me in the road, u'll receive consequences in the future! hohoho!!

Stop using honks unnecessarily, coz it's noise pollution and super RUDE!

Stop cutting queue, as it's very unethical and bad manners!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

scary thoughts !!!

in the process of discussing next year perth's living things and cny short trip back to melaka.

I cannot/ dunwan/ not willing to think of my coming 3 yrs in perth. After seeing my frens in srban, uk, ireland, canada... with their packed, busy life... i'm so scared now to think of what will happen to me...

Everytime i think of it, i feel nauseated...

Thursday, November 19, 2009


马六甲这几天, 天气都很好.

人也变得很懒散. 每天睡到12点, 爽极了!

起来后, 如果还捆, 就去买杯Starbuck (L) caramel macchiato. 更爽.

然后, 带上IPOD 听梁静茹的别再为他流泪专辑, 写BLOG= 爽!

但是, 一旦宝贝车从麻坡返回, 我就要做工了.... 闷啊 ....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009



不顺利 1: 很吵! 吵到我很烦. 谁吵? 他们! 为什么一直抱怨, 投訴那些与你无关的事? 时不时说说还好, 但他们一直说! 很烦! "这种地方不是人住" ...

不顺利 2: 选择. 当我让你们选择, 你们乱讲, 有答=没答, 我再问多一次就被骂. 当我不给你们选择, 你们就要选/加料, 然后我又被骂. 什么鬼! 我来陪伴你们旅行不是你们的出气桶!
缆车去LANTAU ISLAND有两种: 普通- HKD96/人, 需要等30-60分钟. 透明- HKD107/人, 等15分钟. 透明的车厢你可以看到底下的风景. 因为你们有PHOBIA FOR HEIGHT. 我选普通车. 买后, 还被你们骂! 给脸我看! 什么鬼? 神经的! 缆车的旅途需要25分钟, 给PHOBIA FOR HEIGHT 的 PT 会很可怕的经验. 我当然想坐那透明的车厢啦! 嫌东嫌西!
MCD 买晚餐. 其中一位因为每2小时一直吃, 他饱了. 所以我必须买两分. 我叫他们坐下, 我去买. 10分钟后, 东西买到了. 回到去, 他们有加一杯热咖啡. 我得倒回去买. 再回到位时, 又抱怨说要吃猪肉漢堡.气死吗?


不顺利 3: 脚酸. 我在带路. 我也很累 (我身上还背了一架大一架小的相机+TRIPOD). 一直投訴脚酸... 然后又抱怨没带他们去好吃的地方... 要去就要牺牲! 不要脚酸, 去请TAXI带你们去啦.

不顺利 4: 这也是我在第3天, 有要放弃这次旅行的的原因. 以前你们说要去MT 博物馆, 我也是因为这才买HK 机票的. 把一切都计划好了, 你们在最后一秒钟说不想去因为怕模型会爬起来? WTF! 气爆了!

幸好我偷了哥哥的相机. 要不然我会爆血管. 一直拍照当作没听到.

Friday, November 6, 2009

THUMB~~ dear thumb!!!

kao sai lo!!! what the hell... so hell painful! wtf!!&(^(#!@#%%@!&^$#

i can't even button n unbutton... now hav to depend on my the other hand! SHIT ah!

how the hell i got this piece of SHIT???

Sunday, November 1, 2009

seremban trip! YEAH


HIGH!! 很刺激!! 很!!

第一天有点不幸, 因为MICH迷路, 然后有点误会, 然后轮胎PUNCIT!哈哈哈! 还好都没事!

外面下大雨, 在等待si ling来开门时拍的.

Ms.Soh si ling的作品! COOL? 看像很好, 吃起来也会吓倒人. 哈哈.不错不错, 给她one round of applause. 谢谢Soh si ling!!! 她赶了一个下午才作出来. 你的手应该没事吧?

Me跟一班鳄鱼! 哈哈!

第二天, 就非常刺激疯狂! YEAH!!
我们3个神经人在大雨中玩! 哈哈哈!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Car Accident!

I'm basically out of adrenaline and ATP already.
It was so SHITTY! in just a split second, and you could die of it!

I got no comment on it, cause it was all my fault!

But to be frank, i din press my pedal and it was only 20-30 km/h. the front car sudden brake when i looked down for a second, and gotcha.

Friday, October 23, 2009

F- R- I-

把头发剪掉了! 短发真好! 感觉很爽! 每个人都吓到. NAREN 的人都认不出我. 很好. (22nd oct)

给自己买了个thumb splint. 不容易找! 找遍了马六甲, 只有一家药方有这一款的. 讲名字出来, 没有一个人知道是什么. (22nd oct)

遇到一个很不可思议的auntie. 她把整条MLK RAYA的大路堵住, 开窗骂他旁边的BENZ. 这auntie会不会夸张了点 还是 无理? 虽然突然弯象旁边的BENZ 有错, 但是她自己也有错啊, 没人叫她跟那么近而且带墨镜, BENZ都大灯了. 她都没BANG 到BENZ, 还开窗,堵街骂人, 真白痴! 无聊到不能顶! (22nd oct)

6点, 我才吃午餐, 在OLD TASTE 吃. 它的MEESIAM有臭味,可能是鱼圆不新鲜了.很臭!吃几口,我就换钱.员工问我为什么不吃,我跟他说有点臭,他要换给我,但我不要了.(23rd oct)

Thursday, October 15, 2009


我承认我很hot temper尤其是在热天气. 一旦没冷气, 我在一分钟内就开始不爽.


一通电话或SMS 就要我去这去那. 妈的, 我又不是一个FULL TIME DRIVER, 而且并没有人还钱给我勒. 呼呼唤唤的. 没有羞恥心啊!烦不烦!

他妈的家, SECURITY多到蚊子都不能飞进, 还要我去他妈的家.
然后我已经告诉他我下午不可能去他妈的家, 因为我要去GYM.
他妈的, 他耳朵坏还是我华语不好, 不会听哦.

一个老太婆, 要我帮她送支票去给人家. 妈的, 你还我一亿salary 要我帮你做工啊? 要不然就是, 叫我在20分钟内去他妈的OFFICE 那垃圾! 我收集垃圾哦! #$!$%%#^$^#$@%@^#%^#@%$@
他说: 蚊子在这些信封生蛋, 给你用. 妈的! 我没钱买信封还是我是PENGEMIS? 他最好别在打电话给我, 再打, 我直接关机.

别再烦我, 我要发霉在家, 也不要当你们的娃娃, 呼唤来呼唤去!!!!!

Surrogate (the movie)

我很自私, 今天我突然一个人去看Surrogate.

自私因为, 我根本找不到人陪我看.

一进戏院, 只有我一个人. 哈哈... 好像我买的豪华家似的.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


最近手头有点紧, 因为我在为自己存钱买新的IPOD NANO给自己当21岁礼物. 在还没从IMU毕业时, 这份礼物是NIKON D5000. 但是我的第二选择被抄袭猫买了 (我介绍他买的). 如果我再买的话, 我应该是被骂的那个. 过后, 去叔叔哪, 用了他的CANON 50D 80-270mm lens, 效果还不错, 所以我就放弃D5000 类似的相机.

不久后, 妈妈突然要赞助我DSLR. 很高兴,可是我拒绝了. 50D 80-270mm lens类似的相机不只RM5000. 还是自己赚钱后在买吧.

为了存钱, 已经尽量少去KOPITIAM 喝茶了, 我的胃, 委屈您了.

刚才去UJONG PASIR巴刹 MALAM 帮爸爸买豆腐花时, 被那该死的耗煎吸引住了. (今天没去GYM, GYM, 就吃咯! ) RM4 的耗煎很香. 从点耗煎到打开耗煎我都很兴奋, 太久没吃的关系吧. 吃到一半后, 我就闷了. 不知道是一个人吃的关系还是那档耗煎的关系, 没味道了.

美味的食物在没有人枪吃或太多之下, 也会便的不好吃.


对自己的期望高了点, 哈哈没想到人缘差到不行.

在网络看太多了, 因此情绪被影响了.



在这两(马六甲或麻坡) 地方过, 情绪会糟透.

当天, 一个人的我想用5块把不好的思想投进篮框里. 然后把电话放震动.

猴子啊, 猴子~

头脑走的有点快也不好, 猜到别人在想什么不知道好过知道.

Monday, October 12, 2009


今晚和哥哥与大嫂去Simply Fish@Melaka Raya 吃.
我们点了个Fisherman on the boat(RM44.90) 和 creamy Mussels(RM14.90).
贵?! 不不不! 是很贵!
Creamy Mussels很棒! 他的sauce一级棒!
Fisherman on the boat 就有点失望. 开始的太好,让我对他们有期望, 结果失望了. 这道菜有deep fried fillet, 6 prawns, squids, 2 mussels, butter rice and chips. 虾... 不够好... 鱼... 还是不吸引我... 饭... 还好...

Creamy Mussels

Thursday, October 8, 2009



惹人的佣人一大清早喊的像鬼叫似地把我从美梦吵醒. 原来她把自己锁在外.
当时我的火就大了, 因为距离我的闹钟还有半小时.

5分钟后, 有人拼命的拨我家的电话, 以前如果我们在睡觉时佣人都会接. 但是这位惹人, 双面人, 的佣人又不理. 十分钟后, 又来! 气到爆了, 我去接. 但是我没做那人交代的事, 因为我不想骂人.

接下来, 哥哥SMS 啦, 然后姑姑又打来吵! 烦死了! 直接关机!


发自内心的笑容, 最真, 最美, 而且无价.

生命是自己的, 所以活也要为自己而活, 不要为别人而活.
不需要在乎别人的眼光, 最重要的是自己快乐.

有时候把脚步放慢, 多看周围, 享受美好地生活, 可能会有意外的收获.

Monday, October 5, 2009


星期六的天气很好但是很可怜的一个人吃晚餐. 没胃口,吃剩食物.

星期日,更闲.去麻坡看一整天的Youtube,看到头痛. 晚饭就没胃口吃了.

很想把这位朋友打到扁扁,明明是我硬拉她出来陪我,但她终是抢还钱. 她有做工我也有啊! 不行,下次我走到柜台还比较好.

This time we went to 炫音乐餐厅. It's located near to Wings' cafe and Asian Harvana. It has a very good environment but i would suggest that it adds more dim lights or candles on the tables outside, cause it's too dark. And, hire someone who are able to speak, their workers don't seem like understood what we were talking.

Looks very nice in pic? LOLz... don't be fooled by it. In real, it is so dark that you can't even see your fingers.

But seriously, i like the environment, so, i do hope they can add or repair their lightning around.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Places I went in these 2 months.

Above is perth. Last trip i went to as far south as margaret river, then north part until the red circle 1, mullawa.

This is adelaide. Apart from Melbourne, great ocean road, i also went to yorke peninsula and barossa valley.

Adelaide/ Melbourne 之旅





抵达后都在city, glenelg, harbour town 随便逛逛. 这些地方的照片已经多到不行了所以不想也不愿意再拍.

隔天晚上, 便坐了巴士去Melbourne. 从以前我就很讨厌达巴士去Melbourne因为旅途很慢,很久,接近11小时,而且很难入眠.但是这次的trip还满顺利的,能入眠而且也不晕. 这也要谢谢一个朋友教育我OPTIMISTIC 的重要. 保持乐观,别担心这担心那的,是很重要的.

本人并不喜欢住在Melbourne因为它的交通太复杂了. Train, tram, bicycle, motorcycle, car, 都用着一样的路. 而且living expenses太高了.

抵达后的第二天早上,我们请了人带我们去Great Ocean Road,这也是来Melbourne的原因. 在哪有很出名的twelve apostles. 因为风浪的关系,今天又倒了一个. 现在应该只有6个吧. 我们没在Melbourne待太久, 隔天就达老虎机返回Adelaide.

爸妈回后, ,, 和她朋友就去Yorke Peninsula .旅途没有去Mullawa来的遥远但是天气的关系,我们并没有很享受. 一直下雨, 很冷. 返回Adelaide后的隔天,我们就去Hahndoft 吃荷兰香肠,Barossa Valley参观4间红酒厂,我在哪买了4瓶红酒.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Packing... yeah!!!

I'm packing ... pack pack pack.... pack pack pack...

Where you want to go?


Everyone wants to go back home this weekend, everyone is counting down the days left ... everyone is happy to go home!

Careful to those who are driving back home! Cause there will be traffic congestion here n there.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Moon

OH GOSH!!! Looking forward!!! So yeng!!!! Nov 20th!!! YEAH!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


昨天有个老朋友骂我 "Aiya,你神经病".

就这样. 这就是 "快乐的时光". 完. 哈哈哈!

开玩笑~ ...

好,来介绍我这个老朋友. 她之所以"老",因为她已经一把年纪了. 哈哈哈. 幸好她不知道我有写blog的习惯,不然她一定把我打到扁扁! 哈哈哈!

OK, 这个老朋友是个很好的人. 放假其间都是她陪我去看戏.因为其他人都得上课.

我趁今年有在马六甲想帮她早一星期庆生. 下次都没有可能9月呆在马六甲了.
可能从来都没跟她庆祝生日, 她一看到我的蛋糕, 就骂"Aiya,你神经病", 也有可能是她老了! 不想人家帮她庆生! 哈哈哈.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

floating ~

日子过的很闷...没有Adr., 没有熱情的生活...

我最快乐的时候就是下午吃完午餐到Arcade game 玩投篮机! 第一次从120多分-->第二次140分--> 第三次146分-->到现在232分! 兴奋~

Sunday, September 6, 2009

visit to Seremban

再次谢谢Acne n abel 一大早来toll house载我.

这次下去是因为Acne 的礼物. 上次去时没带.



还没来的急吃晚餐, 我就得回家了.


Saturday, September 5, 2009


11天的Perth旅行结束. 前5天与家人逛,后6天自己与朋友逛.


首先我们去南部的Busselton and Margaret River. 本来还会去Nannup 欣赏野花的,但是爸爸不要去那么远,所以我们便回城市看夜景. 在Margaret River, 我们参观了很多间酒厂,Nut n cereal factory, Extra Virgin Olive Oil factory, chocolate factory, cheese factory, venison shop, beer factory, and finally to canal rock beach. 一路上的天气都不好,时不时就下雨. 而Busselton, 我们去了它最出名的Busselton 码头.

家人走后,天气便好了, 约了几位朋友出来陪我. 第一天,我去动物园. 不错一下勒, 没什么味道,而且没料到会有那么多人勒...不过勒,动物都很懒惰,每次都给我们看屁股.

第二天,约了我中学朋友去公园拍照.可怜的朋友们, 因为我不想换钱搭巴士, 所以她们得陪我爬山. 为了答谢她们陪我爬山, 我就陪她们逛街买礼物送男朋友.背包里背着800克的相机陪她们走了3小时, 我的背都快断了.

第三天,shopping day. 买了不少东西,花了不少钱. 哈哈哈...

第四天, 我一个人去郊外帮叔叔做photobook给大姑. 然后去fremantle 吃fish n chip.


整千张的照片, 终于看完了,选了百六张做photobook.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


又是一系列的书. 这是第十四本. 但第十五本我也买了.
这些我都有收集哦. 除了<有個女孩叫feeling> 因为我是从这本书开始喜欢上藤井樹的,而这本书是朋友借的,看完后就还了. 少了它,我的书架怎样看都觉得少了点什么.所以我决定去买它.

Sunday, August 9, 2009




tourist in melaka 2

马六甲實地考察旅行. 哈哈哈.
之外也可以试用Canon 500D.
很性感的背景,现在才发觉到. 这是一家很有情调大的咖啡厅--Limau Limau Cafe.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

As a 'tourist' in Melaka.

Working for my parents is actually something very relaxing yet stressful. No salary of course, as i just grabbed or asked for it.
Don't usually have time for afternoon nap, aunties aunties from all over melaka city will call anytime they want.
So 3 days ago, i decided to take my few hours free time walk around melaka from the point of a tourist. Testing with canon 500D at the same time.
Here are some pictures i took during my 4 hours tourist time:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wildlife warrior--Steve Irwin

My uncle introduced a book written by Richard Shears to me recently. This book is known as the "Wildlife warrior: Steve Irwin". On my own, i wouldn't have buy it or even cared to look at it cause i do not know him much. Steve Irwin, well-known for his crocodile-hunter action. In 6 sept, 2006, he was killed by a stingray that pierced through his heart and died instantly. That's all i knew from him before i got this book.

After started reading his book, i had a feeling to visit our croc farm AGAIN. (after the first time which requested by our siling).
So, this morning, after i finished my work, i went there again. Alone this time. Here are some photos i would like to share.
this is baby croc in the new pond.
this is a female croc that has just given birth. According to local fren, he said that normally these female croc after giving birth will become very aggressive and this is how it reacted after the local fren tapped on the wall. See the blood on its lower jaw?
this is hunchback croc.
sleeping croc.

strange croc. Notice that it has cacat-ed lower jaw?
Tailess croc.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

melaka tripsss

fellow friends came down to melaka and makan n main with monkey.

first was dino n liwei. I brought them to jonker then muar.
muar- asam pedas ikan pari.
wewe zai was enjoying his ikan pari

Then, ling ling pao came down with siok xian. And we went to jonker and CROC farm! surprisingly ini budak nak pergi CROC farm n ZOO.

siling n sleeping croc.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sushi 2nd time

本想做hand rolls 和 California rolls ,但是没有 plastic foil 了,所以california rolls 做不成。

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Twilight Saga

Yes! I have finally finished all these four books by Stephenie Meyer. I MUST say that it is a fascinating story. Storyline goes through unexpectedly smooth and easy understanding.

Among the 4 books, i like breaking dawn most. From marriage to conceive then suffered during gestation period. After that, the born of a new interesting child-- Renesmee. With her extraordinary background, Volturi suspected she might be immortal child. Then come with the preparation for fight with Volturi.

Coming next is another stephenie meyer's book-- the Host. Hope it is as interesting as the twilight saga.