Wanna intro this super small dino zai today!! hehehe...
dino zai was my hsemate back to imu bkt jalil days.
She is now studying in canada... sooooo super far away from me... but ! every time, after i talk to her, i feel soooo great and happy!! she could read my mind even when we were talking in msn!!! LOL!!! soooo farney!!!
btw, my dino zai also has brilliant memories lo!!! and very observant (esp tooooooo sai.... cabut...)hahaha...
eh, my mama loves u so much le... As in when i told her i was msn with u, not only that she won't disturb me, she even ask me how r u there le!!! wahaha!!! i haven't tell her you wanna eat cendol using ice in from ur hse... wahaha....
Thank you dino zai!!!
waaa... one whole post dedicate to me har! hahaha!!! luckily i manage to get up today. but feel like sleeping back! haah!
walao, i dunno tht ur mum so sayang me one le, shy.
btw, tht dino is a plant eater....!
by the way, nice photo up there!!!
go put a chatbox beside ur blog la!
er... i dunno how le... nx time u teach me la... this weekend??
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